Motion Capture System 的使用方法

实验室的动作捕捉系统分为两个部分,一个是通过camera和反射marker组成的mark tracking system,另一部分是压力板(force plant)



  • win7 PC 1 台
  • camera 7 台
  • force plant 4 块


  • Motive:Tracker from OptiTrack
  • VENUS 3D from PixelGate Ltd.

Motive:Tracker主要动作捕捉与数据采集,VENUS 3D主要用于数据分析与计算。



启动Motive,接通camera电源。在Motive中新建工程,使用Quick Start功能中的Perform Camera Calibration来调整镜头到合适的位置和角度



Motive中的镜头参数一共有四个,FPS EXP THRLED

  • LED表示镜头上的红外线LED亮度,数值越高越亮(虽然肉眼看不到任何光线),官网Wiki如下记述:

    Sets brightness level for the camera IR LED ring. Higher LED values allow the camera to emit more IR light, which can allow for better marker detection at longer ranges. However, a value that is too high may cause reflection off of non-marker objects, which can destabilize data. Generally, the value should be higher for larger volumes and lower for smaller volumes. Default is dependent on camera model.

  • FPS为每秒记录帧数(Frame),允许的最大帧数会根据运行模式的不同而变化。

    The number of frames the camera or camera group will capture per second. The minimum and maximum values for frame rate depend on the model of camera that you are using. A higher frame rate will allow for more frames per second of data, and help prevent motion blur. A lower frame rate will allow for higher exposure values (and brighter images) and will also reduce the bandwidth required to transmit data, which can help in systems with high network or USB traffic.

  • EXP(Exposure)表示每帧曝光时时间,设置时需要综合考虑辨识度以及误判断的几率。

    Sets the amount of time that the camera exposes per frame. The minimum and maximum values will depend on both the type of camera and the frame rate. Higher exposure will allow more light in, creating a brighter image that can increase visibility for small and dim markers. However, setting exposure too high can introduce false markers, larger marker blooms, and marker blurring–all of which can negatively impact marker data quality.

  • THR(Threshold)表示系统判断阈值,越低越容易检测到marker,但是同时也会增大辨识错误的几率。

    Defines the minimum brightness for a pixel to be seen by a camera, with all pixels below the threshold being ignored. Increasing the threshold can help filter interference by non-markers (e.g. reflections and external light sources), while lowering the threshold can allow dimmer markers to be seen by the system (e.g. smaller markers at longer distances from the camera).


设定好合适的参数之后,选择Mask Visible来屏蔽掉环境干扰,接下来使用Start Wanding来生成辨识空间。

组装wanding时用的Opti Wand,长度分别有250mm和500mm两种,根据要建立的空间大小自由选择。选定后需要更改软件中的长度设定,否则会造成空间定位不准确的问题。


点击Start Wanding,使用刚刚组装的Opti Wand在镜头区域内缓慢扫过,尝试不同的方向和角度,直到Calibration栏内的扫描结果显示为Sufficient for Quality: Very High。此时可以开始计算镜头位置,之前采集到的数据样本越多,计算消耗的时间越长。


生成之后,Apply计算结果,这是可以看到镜头之间的相对位置,误差等等,但地面位置还没有设置成功。使用Ground Plane Calibration Square来校正地面位置。使用时要保持仪器水平(使用仪器上的水平仪与仪器基座)。地面位置校正好之后就算是成功的生成辨识空间了


使用time line工具进行录制,先使用live模式进行录制工作,录制结束后切换到edit模式进行剪辑与编辑。在edit模式下剪辑出可以利用的段落后可以进行数据导出工作,导出为.cvs文件以备分析。